Prediction Meme Coin Launchpad

A Fair Launch System with Price Support Through Prediction

The Prediction Meme Coin Launchpad offers a unique approach to launching meme coins, utilizing prediction-based mechanics to manage token circulation and provide price stability. By integrating predictions into the launch process, Polyquest ensures a fair and transparent system that can sustain the token price over time while adding layers of engagement and utility for both token creators and buyers.

How It Works

  1. Token Creation and Launch

    • Meme coin creators can launch their token directly on the Polyquest platform by paying a set minimal minting fee, either in USDC or $POLY.

    • A portion of this fee is rewarded to both the creator and Polyquest, providing incentives for high-quality projects and supporting the platform's development.

    • As part of the fair launch system, creators are required to set a minimum prediction participation percentage. This percentage represents the portion of each token purchase that must be allocated to the prediction pool.

  2. Prediction Pool Integration

    • When users mint the meme coin, a portion of their purchase—determined by the minimum prediction participation percentage—is automatically allocated to a prediction quest selected by the creator.

    • Creators can easily choose from existing prediction quests on the platform, bypassing the need to create new quests or go through a validation period.

    • This integration helps support the minimum price of the meme coin by diverting a portion of the mint proceeds into predictions, which adds an additional layer of demand and utility for the coin.

  3. Price Stability Through Long-Term Predictions

    • The longer it takes for the chosen prediction quest to be resolved, the more time the meme coin can maintain price stability.

    • Since users are incentivized to hold or trade their positions in the prediction pool while waiting for the quest's outcome, it can help prolong price support for the meme coin.

    • This model accommodates both short-term and long-term meme coin projects, allowing creators to tailor their launch based on the quest duration.

  4. Automatic DEX Listing

    • If the meme coin achieves a market capitalization of 50K, it will automatically be listed on a decentralized exchange (DEX).

    • This feature helps legitimize the meme coin, providing liquidity and exposure once a threshold level of adoption and market value is achieved.

  5. Prediction Position Trading for Meme Coins

    • Just like with other prediction positions on the platform, users can trade their positions in the meme coin's prediction pool through Prediction Position Trading.

    • This allows participants to buy or sell their stakes in the prediction, capitalizing on market shifts, new information, or the potential outcome of the quest.

    • Trading fees collected from these transactions are shared between the meme coin creator and Polyquest, providing ongoing revenue for both parties.

    • Any unsold or unclaimed meme coins in the prediction pool will remain there until the quest is resolved, providing additional liquidity to the market.

  6. Rewards for Token Minters

    • Users who mint meme coins are also rewarded with $POLY, adding further incentive for participation.

    • These $POLY rewards can be used to engage in Prediction Oracle Governance or to validate new quests on the platform, fostering community involvement and decentralization.

Smart Contract Logic

  1. Meme Coin Creation

    • The token creator submits their coin for launch by paying the minimal minting fee in either USDC or $POLY.

    • The fee is split between the creator and Polyquest, incentivizing creators to launch high-quality tokens on the platform.

    • The creator sets the minimum prediction participation percentage, and the smart contract locks this percentage into the prediction pool whenever a user mints the coin.

  2. Prediction Pool Allocation

    • When a user purchases meme coins, the contract automatically splits the transaction: a set percentage is allocated to the meme coin purchase, and the remainder is placed into the prediction pool linked to a selected quest.

    • The prediction pool holds these funds until the quest is resolved, ensuring the liquidity remains intact until the outcome is finalized.

  3. DEX Listing Logic

    • If the meme coin's market capitalization reaches the 50K threshold, the smart contract triggers an automatic listing on a pre-selected decentralized exchange.

    • The DEX listing process is handled automatically, providing instant liquidity once the market cap condition is met.

  4. Prediction Position Trading

    • Meme coin holders' positions in the prediction pool are minted as NFTs when they participate in the launch. These NFTs represent their staked prediction positions and can be traded in the Polyquest marketplace.

    • The smart contract facilitates trading by transferring the ownership of the NFT and associated prediction position to the buyer while maintaining the integrity of the staked funds.

    • Trading fees collected from the sale or auction of these NFTs are distributed between the meme coin creator and Polyquest, providing ongoing incentives for both parties.

  5. Reward Distribution

    • As users mint meme coins, they are rewarded with $POLY tokens.

    • The smart contract tracks the rewards for each user and distributes $POLY to their wallets, which can then be used for participating in Prediction Oracle Governance or for validating quests.

Token Utility

The Prediction Meme Coin Launchpad enhances the utility of $POLY tokens through multiple mechanisms:

  1. Platform and Creator Fees: Meme coin creators must pay a minimal minting fee in $POLY or USDC, which is split between the creator and Polyquest. This drives demand for the token and rewards creators for their contributions.

  2. Trading Fees: Fees collected from Prediction Position Trading are shared between the meme coin creator and Polyquest, providing ongoing revenue and incentivizing active participation.

  3. Rewards: Meme coin minters receive $POLY tokens as rewards, encouraging participation and further use of $POLY within the ecosystem.

  4. Governance: $POLY tokens can be staked to participate in Prediction Oracle Governance, allowing users to vote on important platform decisions or validate future quests.

  5. Marketplace Transactions: Users can trade their Prediction Position NFTs using $POLY, adding another layer of utility to the token and ensuring continuous liquidity within the ecosystem.

By integrating trading fees and minimal minting fees that are rewarded to both the creator and Polyquest, the Prediction Meme Coin Launchpad creates a mutually beneficial ecosystem. Creators are incentivized not only through the initial launch but also through ongoing trading activities. Polyquest benefits from the platform fees, ensuring continuous development and support of the ecosystem.

This feature ensures that both token creators and users benefit from the prediction-driven mechanics, providing price stability, liquidity, and opportunities for engagement, while also generating revenue for the platform and creators.

Last updated