How to Host

Hosting a quest on Polyquest is a fantastic way to engage the community and earn commissions! To host, you'll need to deposit a certain amount of $POLY into our contract to gain permission to create quests. More details on this requirement will be announced soon. Here's how to get started:

  1. Click "Create a Quest": Go to the main quest page and click on the "Create a Quest" button.

  2. Enter the Required Information: Provide the following details for your quest:

    • Title: Create a clear and engaging title.

    • Detail: Write a detailed description of the event or prediction.

    • Related Link: Include relevant links for additional context or information.

    • Close Date: Set the date when the quest will close to new votes.

    • Category: Choose the appropriate category for your quest.

    • Upload Thumbnail: Upload an image to visually represent your quest.

    • Possible Answers: Provide at least two possible outcomes for participants to choose from.

  3. Admin Review and Draft Registration: Once submitted, our admin team will review your draft to ensure it meets internal standards, such as having a proper image and being an event that can be resolved within a specific timeframe. We ensure that the draft is registered into the market contract exactly as you submit it, with no alterations.

  4. Share Your Quest: You can share your quest on using our Blink integration to boost visibility and engagement. For more details, check out the [BLINKS].

  5. Earn Commissions: When your quest is successfully closed and marked as "Success," you'll earn a commission from the total tokens voted on the quest.

Note: No commissions will be awarded if the quest is revoked.

Get started today by hosting your own quests, engaging with the community, and earning rewards while ensuring your drafts are published exactly as you intend!

Last updated