Stage 3: Polyquest Prediction Oracle Chain

The ultimate goal of Polyquest is to introduce the World’s First Prediction Oracle Chain. This phase will allow external DApps and projects to integrate the Polyquest Oracle system without relying on centralized Web2 data sources, positioning Polyquest as a leader in blockchain-based oracle solutions.

How Stage 3 Works

  1. Oracle as a Service (OaaS)

    • The Polyquest Prediction Oracle Chain will provide an on-chain oracle service for DApps and platforms that require real-world outcome data without relying on centralized APIs or Web2 systems.

    • Other blockchain projects and decentralized applications can either build on Polyquest’s Oracle Chain or fork the chain to customize it for their specific needs.

  2. Market Contract API Integration

    • To make the oracle system accessible, Polyquest will provide a Market Contract API. This API will enable DApps to easily plug into the oracle system to fetch real-world outcomes based on decentralized reports submitted by oracle nodes.

    • This integration allows other projects to leverage Polyquest’s decentralized oracle infrastructure without building their own.

  3. Decentralized Oracle for the Broader Web3 Ecosystem

    • The Prediction Oracle Chain will not only power Polyquest but also support other Web3 applications, allowing them to tap into the power of decentralized, transparent, and trustless real-world outcome reporting.

    • This chain will empower applications that need oracle data, particularly for use cases where reliance on Web2 APIs is not viable or secure.

  4. Token Utilities in Stage 3

    • $POLY tokens will be the key utility token for running the Prediction Oracle Chain. Validators, oracle nodes, and developers building on the chain will all need to stake or hold $POLY to participate.

    • Fees for using the oracle services will be paid in $POLY, creating a robust demand for the token as the ecosystem grows.

    • Users who contribute to the oracle process, from submitting data to validating it, will be rewarded in $POLY, ensuring continuous participation and engagement.

Last updated