Winner Takes It All

At Polyquest, we offer a unique and engaging prediction experience with our "Winner Takes It All" reward system. Unlike other prediction platforms like Polymarket and Augur, which involve complex trading of outcomes over time, Polyquest simplifies the process to make it more accessible and fun for all users.

What is "Winner Takes It All"?

The "Winner Takes It All" system is a straightforward and exciting way to participate in prediction markets. In this system, the entire reward pool is distributed among the users who correctly predict the outcome of a quest. This method focuses on clear outcomes, easy participation, and a fan-based, community-driven approach to predictions.

How It Works:

  1. Simple Participation: Users join a quest by making a prediction and placing a vote using their preferred tokens (e.g., USDC). Each vote represents the user’s belief in a specific outcome and contributes to the total pool for that answer.

  2. No Complex Trading: Unlike platforms where users trade their positions or outcomes over time, Polyquest’s system is straightforward. Users make their predictions, cast their votes, and wait for the quest to close. There is no need to worry about trading, market fluctuations, or managing positions over time.

  3. Determining Rewards:

    • When a quest closes and the correct answer is determined, the total reward pool (minus a small platform fee) is distributed solely among those who voted for the correct outcome.

    • The reward each user receives is calculated based on their voting share within the correct answer pool.

    Reward Calculation Formula:

    For example, if you voted 10 USDC and the correct answer pool has 100 USDC in total, your voting percentage is 10%. Your reward would be a proportional share of the remaining pool after fees are deducted. (refer to RewardCalculator below)

  4. Fan-Based Engagement: This method creates a more fan-centric environment where users rally behind their chosen outcomes. It’s less about market speculation and more about being part of a community trend, supporting your favorite prediction, and enjoying a social experience.

  5. Battle of User Trends: The rewards are not just based on random chance but are influenced by the voting trends within the community. The more popular or well-supported a prediction, the more competitive the pool, creating a dynamic "battle" between different user trends. This adds an exciting layer of strategy and anticipation to each quest.

public class RewardCalculator {

     * Calculate the reward for a correct prediction in a 'Winner Takes It All' prediction system.
     * @param totalPool          The total amount of tokens in the pool.
     * @param platformFee        The fee percentage or fixed amount taken by the platform.
     * @param yourVoteAmount     The amount of tokens the user voted with.
     * @param correctAnswerPool  The total amount of tokens staked on the correct answer.
     * @return                   The reward amount the user will receive.
    public static double calculateReward(double totalPool, double platformFee, double yourVoteAmount, double correctAnswerPool) {
        // Calculate the adjusted pool after deducting the platform fee
        double adjustedPool = totalPool - platformFee;

        // Calculate the user's share in the correct answer pool
        double userSharePercentage = yourVoteAmount / correctAnswerPool;

        // Calculate the user's reward
        double reward = adjustedPool * userSharePercentage;

        return reward;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        double totalPool = 1000;         // Total pool amount in USDC
        double platformFee = 50;         // Platform fee amount in USDC
        double yourVoteAmount = 10;      // Your vote amount in USDC
        double correctAnswerPool = 100;  // Total amount staked on the correct answer in USDC

        double reward = calculateReward(totalPool, platformFee, yourVoteAmount, correctAnswerPool);
        System.out.printf("Your reward is: %.2f USDC%n", reward);

Why "Winner Takes It All" is Different:

  • Easy to Understand: The "Winner Takes It All" approach simplifies the prediction process, making it easy for anyone to participate, regardless of their experience level in crypto or trading.

  • No Need for Constant Monitoring: Unlike traditional platforms where users must monitor and adjust their positions constantly, Polyquest allows users to set their predictions and participate without the need for continuous oversight.

  • Greater Community Focus: By focusing on community trends and participation, this feature fosters a more social and engaging environment where users can cheer on their chosen outcomes together.

Who Can Benefit?

  • New Users: The simplicity of this model makes it ideal for newcomers to prediction markets who want to get involved without a steep learning curve.

  • Fan Communities: Fans of specific events, outcomes, or trends can easily come together to support their favorites, creating a more vibrant and engaging atmosphere.

  • Token Communities: Projects looking to boost engagement with their community tokens can leverage this feature to create exciting prediction events that drive participation and activity.

Join Polyquest today and experience the excitement of the "Winner Takes It All" prediction system—an easy, fun, and community-driven way to engage with the world of decentralized predictions!

Last updated